Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Day 23: Callin' it quits

So I wanted to wait at least three days to see how committed I really was.
For all of you who know me well,

I am a Dr. Pepper addict.
It is the most beautiful thing ever invented. The perfect mixture of 23 flavors… Mmmm. Lovely.
However, I guess caffeine and soda in general are like pretty bad for your body... Who knew?

So, I'm trying to quit.

I did it once for three years, so I'm sure I can do it again.
It's really hard, but so far I've gone three days. Wish me luck!

(my very last dr. pep. sad day)


  1. oh you are a brave soul. i'm the same about diet coke.. and terrified to give it up. but maybe i'll follow your lead. thanks for the inspiration ;)

  2. that a girl, i tried and failed miserably.
    dp is my sweet escape.
    i love you

  3. DP is my best friend. That stuff is so amazing It is so tough to get off that stuff. I feel you, Im very impressed that you are going for it. Good luck!....yeah seriously good luck...

  4. Alex, you be a strong, strong girl! P.S. I love your blahg!
